Our annual Essentia Health Cornerstone Employee Giving Campaign kicked off in May with banana splits and apple sundaes encouraging employees to submit project ideas that enhance the receipt of care by patients, or the delivery of care by providers.  Because of this campaign, the generosity of employee donors, and the matching generosity of Foundation donors, we are working to complete 9 of the 16 projects ideas submitted aimed at improving the overall patient experience.  Some of those projects include a blanket warmer for radiology, over the bed hospital tables, outdoor seating areas, and a hospitality station in the hospital.  For more information about the Cornerstone Fund funded through payroll deduction, or ways you can partner with Essentia Health employees, contact the Foundation office.

*The benches along the walkway to the hospital main entrance were the idea of an employee for improved patient safety.  Cornerstone donors voted and funded their purchase.

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