What started as a general inquiry from one of our local resort owners turned into a collaborative initiative to get automated external defibrillators (AED’s) into the heart of our beautiful northwoods – some areas of which are very remote, and can be 20-30 minutes from emergency response.  

Through collaborations with generous partners Essentia Health, the Herreid Fund, and Bigfork Valley Community Foundation, we were able to purchase AED’s in bulk, at a discount, and provide financial support to interested resort owners to aid in the affordability of these life-saving devices.  We invited over 60 area resorts located within our giving territory to participate.  In February and March, we hosted informational events where Liz Kamp, Community Paramedic with Essentia Health provided education on legalities, liabilities and the use, storage and maintenance of the devices.  

Thanks to our donors, the AED’s will be ordered, delivered and installed at the participating resorts this summer.  Furthermore, the devices will be registered in a database that enables emergency dispatchers to locate registered devices in the proximity of a cardiac event in rural and remote communities. 

What started with a simple inquiry, grew into a life-saving initiative and provides another example of how we are able to work to build a healthy and vibrant community together.

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